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Town of Ramapo Distributes Re-Usable Masks from Cuomo

Writer's picture: The Monsey MevaserThe Monsey Mevaser

The Town of Ramapo received over 40,000 re-usable masks for our residents from Governor Cuomo.  The masks were distributed to each town by the Rockland County Office Of Emergency Management.  After learning on a conference call that these very important items were being immediately delivered, the Town set up a Zoom meeting, called and invited all of the Town of Ramapo Mayors to share their thoughts and make a determination of how each Village wanted to distribute their portion of the masks.  In addition and in cooperation with the Villages, the Town undertook distribution to Good Samaritan Hospital, nursing homes, and other high-risk facilities within the Town.  That distribution to many of the villages and nursing homes was facilitated by the Ramapo Police Department. 

Town Residents who live in a Village should contact their Village directly to arrange to receive a mask. Town Residents who live in the unincorporated area of the Town should call the Town Clerks Office at 845-357-5100ext. 263 to arrange a pick-up. Seniors aged 69 and older, home-bound or quarantined individuals, will be able to arrange for a mask drop-off or special delivery.


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